Friday, May 22, 2009

The Big Tuna

So with today being my Friday off I proceeded north, along the coast to Kittery, Maine. Along the way I stopped in Portsmouth, NH for some lunch (Portsmouth Brewery Restaraunt, yum). But it was a historical sign that pulled me off the highway originally. After lunch I visited it.

Hull number 569. USS Albacore. An unexpected treasure. Yes, I went inside of her. The following pictures show her off a bit.

The forward berthing area (tight bunks)

Hatch to somewhere, I forgot to actually see where it went.

Chart room


Engine room (that thing running along the center is the propeller shaft housing.

A very fine rear if I say so myself.

View from starboard looking forward.

Quite a pretty little boat isn't it?


  1. Nice pictures. She's just along the highway? any fee to enter?
